
Joan Elk

2534 Old Arcata Road

Bayside, CA 95524

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service

630 Sansome Street

San Francisco, California 94111


Anil Mitra has asked me to write in support of his application to become a citizen of the United States. I have known Anil since 1985. During this time we have both lived in Arcata, California. I have lived in this area for more than eleven years. I am a United States citizen and have lived in California almost my entire life.

Anil has been a close personal friend. He has always been warm, caring and reliable in his interactions with me. For ten months, from 1989-1990, he was a tenant in my house. Anil met all his obligations and responsibilities while he lived here. He was well liked by the other tenant at that time, and they have formed a lasting friendship.

For the past six years Anil has worked 40 hours a week providing care for mentally disturbed individuals in the Humboldt County psychiatric facility Sempervirens. This work must be demanding both physically and emotionally. I observe that Anil continues to be active and productive outside of his employment.

I have known and immensely admired Anil as an experienced thinker, a philosopher with ideals and commitments. My understanding of Anil's primary ideals are knowledge of the world in which we live and how to use this knowledge to improve the quality of life. I am impressed by the perseverance, commitment and sacrifice that I have seen Anil show over the last ten years. He is continuously studying and thinking. The quantity and quality of his work in metaphysical ideas and in production of original essays and volumes is amazing to me. He is extremely productive in his lifework of experienced thought. Yet he also lives a life of balance, balancing his intellectual commitment with the practical use of his ideas in real life. Anil is an excellent thinker, and he is also an active and energetic individual who pursues physical activity such as wilderness hiking.

I absolutely support Anil's application for citizenship. I believe he has every characteristic of an excellent citizen.

Joan Elk